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HEGEMONY: A Political Thriller

HEGEMONY, a fictional suspense political thriller written by Elizabeth Ferido-Bohlin tells a story about Islam, its appeasers and apologists who turn a blind eye to the danger it poses to the civilised world.

A MicroSD memory card encrypted with a Master Plan for terror at the European Union Parliament (EU) brought to Stockholm by a Saudi royal entourage went missing. Prince Fareed´s mission: sign the Gripen Arms Sales Agreement between Saudi Arabia and Sweden and address Turkey´s membership to the EU in Brussels.

Amidst the 113th Nobel Prize Award Ceremony in Stockholm Concert Hall, Abdulrahman Al Hamza, the current Saudi ambassador to Stockholm is murdered and Marit Fagger, a Swedish prostitute is beheaded while secret collaterals to the Gripen Agreement securing Islam´s dominance in Svealand are exposed.

Dubbed as The Östermalm Crime Mystery, government ministers, Saudi and Iranian Islamist terrorists, three young people: the Swedish Crown Princess Kristina, a PhD candidate Isabelle Blanche de Forte, a neophyte police superintendent Robert von Ramm – and an Iranian nurse/code breaker Monirah Varhnani, grapple with each other in Stockholm City and Oxford University for control of the impending terror in Brussels…under the watchful eye of a phantom state.